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Allison Black

Col (ret) Allison Black aka the “Angel of Death” served our nation for over 32 years. In 1992, Allison enlisted in the USAF as a SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) Specialist. In 1998, she commissioned then earned her Navigator Wings. Allison flew onboard the AC-130H Spectre Gunship during the initial push into Afghanistan in 2001 where she earned her moniker. Since then, she has flown over 3400hrs with 2000hrs in combat in both the AC130H SPECTRE & U-28 DRACO. Allison has been a  trailblazer for women in SOF, always giving credit to teammates on her left and right. Her experience gives her the ability to inspire elite teams & her community. She’s the ultimate competitor, has fearlessly led our joint forces at every level and takes tremendous pride in her role as mom of two incredible young men.

A true inspiration and fierce leader, Allison culminated her service by Commanding  the 1st Special Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field, FL. Allison attended THF Cohort 83 as she transitioned from active duty in June ‘24 and is currently exploring new opportunities.