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Eden Carr, Director of Impact- Southeast

Name:  Eden Carr

Where were you born and raised?
Proudly born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida.

What’s a short story around the biggest transition you’ve faced in life?
An impactful transition was losing my Dad. He was my touchstone and advisor. He always knew when to offer an opinion, teach, or share, and when to just listen. He had the greatest “Dad-isms” that made me laugh, made me think, and held me accountable. He taught me so much, instilled a strong work ethic in me, and was a guiding influence in my personal and professional lives. He is with me every day and is still the voice in my head. Thanks for everything Dad!

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give a younger you?
Embrace the unknown and don’t be afraid to make mistakes and step out of your comfort zone more often. Don’t rush learning and development. Be more patient. Never stop exploring or being curious.

Your Personal Why?
I am energized knowing I can make a difference in the world by doing good productive work that helps positively impact and enhance people’s lives.

How does your Why drive you to be a part of the THF Ecosystem?
I am proud to be able to connect people and funding with The Honor Foundation’s distinctive program to serve members of our SOF community as they transition into their next mission. Working with THF and passionate teammates, board members, advisors, fellows and alumni combines my respect for the military with growing a fundraising portfolio that supports outcomes I care about.

Military Connection or Why do you respect Special Operators?
I am eternally grateful for the courage, resilience, bravery, and grit of our elite SOF community. They lead the way and sacrifice so much to ensure that my family, friends, and our country can live strong and be free.

Favorite THF Value, and why?
THF values all resonate deeply with me. My two favorites: Fierce Empathy: “Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes.” Daniel Pink and Bold Behavior: “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood.” Daniel Burnham. Both values motivate me to push harder for results and see the bigger picture as I strive to understand, serve and support the perspectives of others.

Area/Industry of expertise:
Discovering and developing individual and corporate relationships that connect with and enhancemission impact through successful fundraising and engagement.

Contact Eden directly at