Stu Bradin on the Official Launch of THFv
Written by: Stu Bradin, President / CEO at the Global SOF Foundation
If you are in the Special Operations Community and you are within 18 months of transition or retirement then you need to read the rest of this post. The Honor Foundation (THF) has a few open slots in their first official Virtual class which will begin on June 3rd. They’ve run several pilots and is moving forward with their first “official” class.
What: The Honor Foundation’s first official Virtual transition course. A 3-month executive MBA-like transition course paired with executive coaching and mentors.
When: Begin date, June 3rd. Each week, classes run on Tuesdays and Thursdays for approx 3 hours. (Exact times TBD based on your geographic location – but generally in the evenings, after work for CONUS based personnel). 3 month total program.
Where: Wherever you live. This is focused on those SOF professionals who are NOT physically located near one of THF’s physical campuses (San Diego, VA Beach, Camp Lejeune). You just need a decent internet connection & a computer.
Who: Any SOF professional from any branch of the USSOCOM Enterprise. This is NOT just a Navy SEAL/SWCC focused program. It started with NSW, but our mission is to support ALL SOF personnel!
Why: Because each transitioning SOF professional is in the top 1% of the military. The service mandated transition programs are OK, but not good enough for SOF. We encourage each member of the SOF community to treat their transition out of the military with at least the same focus and vigor that you focused on getting INTO our community. I firmly believe that the pros from the SOF community will continue to impact the world after their time in the military has come to an end.
Coordinating Instructions:
– Check out our website at
– Email Mike “Halty” Halterman – He’ll conduct the intake interviews.
– Focus on yourselves. You will learn a ton and the program will open your eyes to the great opportunities (but hard work) your transition holds in store.
If you use the current government provided system you will limit yourself and you will not get everything you need. This is a great opportunity but hard work and you will not be wasting your time.