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THF was nothing short of transformational. I am a new man, and that’s not an exaggeration. I know how to dress for success, I know how to structure my resume, linkedin, and interviews because I know what the hiring managers are looking for. That’s another biproduct of the program that no one brings up – the inside knowledge you get that can shape your approach to networking and interviewing. THF provided me with a platform to learn and grow while building the confidence to approach the next phase of life head on. The professional networks we were introduced to will undoubtedly be life-changing in the future. Where else can you be included in such a diverse, passionate, and supportive community? I am not only ready, but excited to jump off this cliff into the civilian world. I have been, and will continue to, advocate for SOF members to go through THF, and I look forward to being a part of the THF community and giving back in any way I can.